Sheffield is a city going places with big ambitions!

Boeing Open New Facility in Sheffield

Boeing Open New Facility in Sheffield

Boeing Open New Facility in Sheffield I Squared Property

Advanced Manufacturing Park

Boeing opened in Sheffield

Boeing, the world’s largest plane maker, has opened its first European manufacturing site here in Sheffield.  This lays testament to Sheffield’s capabilities.  And firmly confirms it’s place as part of the Norther Powerhouse Strategy.
Of course everyone has heard of Boeing.  Who hasn’t?  But just in case you didn’t know.  Boeing is a company that make components for 737 and 767 passenger jets.  This will now be happening in Sheffield!!  Home of the new UK operation site.  They aren’t stopping there either. 
There are already plans to produce thousands of parts each month which will be shipped to the US for assembly.

New facility creates jobs

As if Boeing coming to Sheffield was not amazing enough for this fabulous city.  Of course, when such a big company opens it’s doors, it is bound to lead to new jobs.
Boeing said the Sheffield factory has created 52 new jobs.  These include experienced mechanics, engineers and over 20 apprentices.  This is just what Sheffield needs.  The more jobs available, the more people will potentially move to the area and this will lead to more properties being needed.
It is said that Boeing have invested more than £40m in the facility.  They are expanding and this expansion is leading to partnerships. 
Boeing have said they are partnering with 13 UK-based suppliers for its expansion.  These include: Aeromet International, Maher, and Liberty Speciality Steels.
Boeing Open New Facility in Sheffield I Squared Property

Boeing based in Sheffield Advanced Manufacturing Park

Building Relationships

Jenette Ramos, Boeing senior vice president of manufacturing, supply chain and operations, said:
“We appreciate all the community support for Boeing’s new advanced manufacturing factory in the UK.
This is a fabulous example of how we are engaging in global talent to provide greater value to our customers.
In Boeing Sheffield, we are building on longstanding relationships and the region’s manufacturing expertise to enhance our production system and continue to connect, protect, explore and inspire aerospace innovation.”

Why Sheffield?

Sheffield is seen as the heart of South Yorkshire.  Therefore, it makes sense to create the first European manufacturing site in Sheffield.  It is hard to believe a company as big as Boeing Open New Facility here in Sheffield.  But it just confirms Sheffield is a hot spot of the north and always growing in manufacturing.

Greg Clark, the secretary of state for business, energy and industrial strategy, confirmed this. 
He said:
“Boeing choosing the heart of South Yorkshire as its first European home is testament to our capabilities, talent pool and strong manufacturing supply chains which are vital to job creation and creating value for local economies.”

Proving a great place to invest

When such big companies, like Boeing bring their first European manufacturing site to Sheffield it confirms we are doing something write.

It is fast growing and becoming THE place to invest.  That is why we keep our properties in Sheffield.

What can you do?

To be honest, there are so many options available to you.  So, please do not worry!

What we do is work with our investors, so that you have the confidence to know your money is working for you.

You will not be getting negative rates, put it that way!

If you want to have a conversation on how we may be able to help please just get in touch here.

Be back soon

We will keep bringing you up to date information about Sheffield, I Squared Properties and what we are up to and new developments we are taking on.

Speak soon

Laura and James

Case Studies

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